In a quiet corner of Japan, there lives a very special feline named Mako. With fur as white as freshly fallen snow and eyes that sparkle like precious gems, Mako is no ordinary cat. She is a real-life embodiment of the legendary Maneki-neko, the beckoning cat believed to bring good luck and fortune to those graced by its presence.
Mako’s story began when she wandered into a small lottery ticket shop one fateful day. The shop owner. charmed by her friendly demeanor and striking appearance, decided to adopt her as the store’s resident lucky charm. Little did they know that Mako’s arrival would mark the beginning of an extraordinary tale. As customers began to notice the beautiful white cat perched serenely in the shop window, they started to attribute their winning tickets to Mako’s luck. Word spread quickly, and soon people from all over Japan were flocking to the shop, hoping to catch a glimpse of the lucky cat and perhaps have some of her good fortune rub off on them. To this day, Mako remains a beloved figure in her community, a living symbol of luck and a reminder of the magic that can be found in the most unexpected places.
LP burnt
1 billlion
Liquidity pool
how to buy
1 最初に
Install Phantom Wallet:
Download from phantom app
2 第二
Add SOL: Deposit SOL
3 第三
Connect to DEX: Use Raydium
or Serum, connect Phantom Wallet
4 第四
Swap: Select SOL and $mako, swap
5 第五
Confirm: Approve in Phantom Wallet
6 第六
Check Balance: Verify $mako
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©MAKO, 2024